Benefits of Reading on the Second Coming from the Bible
As a Christian, the bible is the most important book in your life. It guides you on how to live in a holy way and obey the commandments of the Lord. The bible will always guide you on a righteous path and it will comfort you whenever you are feeling alone. All Christians are urged to always read the bible every day to ensure that they live better lives. It also gives us courage whenever you are feeling alone or left out. It is the book of life and you must always aspire to read it. Here are some of the benefits of reading the bible.
One of the primary benefits of reading the bible is that it will change your thinking. The world has become morally corrupt and many people have lost their way. People do not know what God requires of them and for that reason, they always break His rules. However, through the bible, you will get a better understanding of the way the Lord works and what He wants from us. If you read the bible you will get wisdom, perspectives and different truths. The bible will renew your mind and give you a better understanding of what God requires from you.
Another advantage of reading the bible is that it will change your heart. Today, people do not really know what they want in life. Many people are very immoral and most people do not know what exactly they want from God. Some people have gone a step further to ask God for revenge on a specific person. However, one thing that many people fail to believe is that God does not commit any heinous acts on behalf of a person. By reading the bible, your heart will be softened and it will soften the hatred and anger you have in your heart.
The other benefit of reading the bible is that it will cleanse your soul. One inner self is full of ungodly and shallow images. It is full of our sinful actions and the bad things that people have done to use. However, the best way to find peace is to let go of such animosity. God’s words will give you the inner peace that you truly desire. It will cleanse your soul and help you to move on from any sinful acts that you might have committed in the past.
Another advantage of reading the bible is that it will nourish and grow your character. There is satisfaction and nourishment from the word of God, which you cannot find in any book. The bible gives you a connection with God and it allows you to form a close relationship with Him. The bible is the barrier against sinful actions and it allows you to forgive at all times no matter the circumstances. If you do not know what to do in a specific situation, the bible is the best book to refer to whenever you are stuck. When you lack God in your life, your inner self will feel starved and stunted.