Is Beef Jerky a Healthy Source of Protein?
The Native Americans hail as the inventors of beef jerky who hail from the long descendants of incase. It was used as a part for the preparation method for preserving meat for winter and other times when hunting was not resourceful. Currently, beef jerky producers lace it with salt and heat and use spices which enhance the flavor. The nutritional components which make up the beef jerky provides numerous nutritional benefits.
It is important to note that a beef jerky is enriched which sodium and saturated fat thus it is not a recommended source of proteins for all people.
Beef jerky is filled with protein with 1 ounce of beef jerky providing 9.4 grams of protein. According to dietary specialists, women are recommended to take 46 grams of protein daily while men require 56 grams a day. Protein disintegrates in the intestines into amino acids which are used by the body in building tissues and enzymes. The enzymes are used in the functional operation of the body systems.
Your body requires fat to reduce inflammation while supporting the health of your brain. 116 calories are contained in one ounce of beef jerky. Saturated fat weighs 3.1 grams of the total fat content. With high risks of contracting the cardiovascular disease, experts recommend for 7 percent of calories daily consumption.
When it comes to cholesterol content, a serving of beef jerky contains 15 milligrams of cholesterol. One serving of beef jerky has 15 milligrams of beef jerky in terms of the cholesterol content. According to experts, you should limit your daily intake of cholesterol which accounts for almost 300 milligrams daily. When it comes to cholesterol in food it is considered bad it is a major contributor of buildup of plaque in arteries. However, when the cholesterol is converted in food, it is not harmful to your heart health or blood cholesterol levels. However, if you have concerns regarding your heart health and cholesterol, consult your doctor for recommendations.
1 ounce of beef jerky contains 2.3 milligrams of zinc. The role of zinc in the body is forming the support base for bodily functions such as immune system and process of cell division. Zinc deficiency in the body can cause loss of taste and smell senses in addition to slow wound healing.
590 milligrams of sodium are contained in one ounce of beef jerky. The importance of sodium in the body is it helps in fluid retention while elevating the body’s blood pressure and stress of the heart. For healthy living, experts recommend daily consumption of sodium to 2,300 milligrams. In case you suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease or planning to reduce risks of heart diseases, it is recommended to consume 1,500 milligrams daily.