What Is The Number One Key To Success In Real Estate?

Our third challenge, make sure you have a clear plan for making money with your subject-to acquisition. This is an area that many new investors fail to plan. Are you going to rent out the property to cover the mortgage payments while you gain equity? Are you going to sell the property through a lease to own option? Are you planning to list the property for sale, and just wait for the right buyer, while you make the monthly payments out of pocket? While all of these are potential ways will make a profit, unless you’ve planned your profit making, you may overpay for a property, resulting in a loss. Plan your money making strategy in advance, and you can make a wise buying decision.

Book a flight – Make a trip to your new market to meet your team, go out into the streets, look at available property, and see everyone’s office. This will often be the true test. It is easy to create a false online front, or a front over the phone, but very difficult to cover up after you show up at their doorstep. Spend 2-3 days in your market. Look at all the neighborhoods the wholesalers or agents work in. Make sure they aren’t going to sell you war zones. Ask them about the rent ranges, rehab estimates, time to rent, etc. Verify these numbers with the management companies and contractors. If all checks out, proceed. The right team of people will come to light.

Prevent yourself from entering into any transactions that is considered “self dealing”. It is a term used to describe any circumstances wherein an individual who is connected to the company makes use of his power to gain personal benefit from the investment.

Flipping houses is work. It takes hard work to find an exceptionally good deal. It takes knowledge of your market. It takes knowledge of rehabbing. It takes knowledge of the house selling process. It requires holding money and it usually takes longer than you thought it would. That 3 month time frame you had in mind will probably be more like 6 months unless you’ve done a lot of fix and flips before.

People behind a real estate invesment must be good in purchasing and selling realties. They must buy, develop, appraise and sell lands, houses and buildings wisely in order to do business productively.

Determine Your area – Research the entire marketplace (city, county, or region) find out what area has the biggest turn over of properties. Look at how the properties change hands foreclosures and distress sales are your best bet. Select a small portion of about 20,000 homes within the foreclosure distress sale area. You might also consider selecting by subdivisions to get up to 20,000.

Learn Your Market – Know the values of homes sold in a distressed situations versus resale homes. Know the repair values of the homes how old are these homes in each subdivision a home built in 1982 may need a complete rehab as compared to a home built in 2003.

You can find plenty of help when it comes to investing in real estate. You can always get in touch with an experienced estate mentor. You can also go through a good real estate 101 over the internet too. Remember, the more the information you have the better the chances of you making a good deal.